Gun manufactures are easy targets for schizophrenic lawyers

Surround the wagons and keep the children safe. Following the occurrence of a mass shooting, a horde of rabid attorneys are frantically racing around unrestrained, their mouths foaming and their eyes bulging, in an effort to file civil lawsuits. This is because lawyers who are greedy, desolate, and slothful typically put their sights on an easy target—underscore gun manufacturers.

Wearing fancy suits and standing shoulder to shoulder during an impromptu news conference, these attorneys are trying to attract the public’s heart by giving the impression that they are involved; however, in reality, in my opinion, they are exclusively interested in earning effortless money.

Tops Shooting

Take, for example, the terrible shooting that took place at Buffalo Tops as an example of attorneys who chase ambulances because they see a wishful opportunity to easily pad their pockets with cash. These attorneys are employing highly emotional strategies that are also fabricated and presumptively based on assumptions. Gun manufacturers are being compared to metaphorical cows, and the lawyers are shooting them in the hopes that they will bleed them dry financially so that they can retire south of the 24-degree latitude line.

You can’t blame the Tops sufferers for the garbage that discharges from the mouths of their attorneys; after all, these victims deserve to be recognized and their loved ones remembered passionately. However, no amount of money will remedy the pain, and bankrupting a company solves nothing.

Assuming these unethical lawyers win (which is highly improbable), it could lead to job losses for employees and unnecessary financial hardship for the workers, who are now the victims of inept lawyers. The loss of employment (at the gun manufacturing plant) can cause some non-involved workers to experience depression and possibly file personal bankruptcy. In addition, the loss of a job can destroy relationships, and I would like to believe that the individuals who survived the mass shooting at Tops would only consider this to be unproductive. Why? Because they are good people who understand the pain of a loss.

After the lawyers take a tight grip on their percentage (plus expenses), the money is divided up, and once spent, it will serve as a constant reminder of the tragedy that occurred on May 14, 2022.

In my opinion, let’s rethink our strategy. Fire the lawyers and create a forever memorial to commemorate the victims of this horrible crime. Also, in honor of the victims, instead of blaming the gun manufacturers, let’s publicize gun safety (via education) and firearm responsibility. Institute a gun safety curriculum for students (in honor of the victims) and offer additional mental health resources available in schools. Do away with zero tolerance and allow a child (student) to verbally vent his or her frustrations in a healthy environment.

Open your ears and listen with your heart.

Simply put, don’t shut a child down if that child needs to be heard. Putting a child in detention serves no purpose because that child may have different underlying issues that should be addressed. As we know from this horrible tragedy, hate can manifest, and isolating a child will serve no purpose. If you see a child struggling, get involved and ask questions. You may be the hero who prevents the next mass shooting!

In closing, I wish the victims of Tops God’s blessing. Also, some advice: stop listening to unscrupulous politicians because they do not have your best interests. They continue to blame guns for gun violence because they lack a workable plan (I gave my plan mentioned above); however, guns are objects and do not commit violence. People left alone to allow hate to manifest should be reached and checked on.

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