Put an end to the febble and terrifying phrase “mass shootings.”

Circle the wagons and protect the children. It is imperative that the phrase “mass shooting” be eradicated immediately because it is ineffective and attracts individuals who are looking for glory in their deaths. Murderers who are responsible for a large number of deaths are often looking for attention, and they know the media will use the word that describes the shooter. We ought to completely reject this idea, and, to put it more simply, we ought to stop reporting mass shootings of this kind on a national media level.

Even though we can and should not attempt to place blame for all mass shootings on the 24-hour cycle of journalism, it is important to note that continuous publicity of the perpetrator’s face is not an answer to any of the issues that have been occurring. If we stop glorifying the phrase and the shooter, there may be fewer shootings. Their motivation is fame, which they should not receive.

Before we can change our perspective, we will not be able to prevent these tragedies from occurring. We can argue about the benefits and drawbacks of gun control until we are blue in the face. Enter the mind of an unsettled adolescent who is experiencing feelings of being excluded, unseen, and forgotten. If he comes across an opportunity that could suddenly propel him to a national platform, he might decide to seize that chance. After all, hateful views are still views. Mass-distributing pictures of screaming mothers and crying children will send the anti-gun crackpots salivating like starved hyenas.

Oh, the terrifying gun did it, and now we can add another statute to the list of over 10,000. No amount of legislation can alter a person’s feelings, and no amount of legislation can stop a determined individual from wreaking havoc.

Why the scary phrase?

Let me be heard. We have grieved, vented, and moved on over and over again, but what else have we done apart from that? The left has offered only more gun control, and they keep blaming the guns. Stop blaming an object, and maybe we’d have fewer shootings. It is worth a try!

In my opinion, liberals employ the phrase (mass shooting) to justify their agenda: gun control, and they want to frighten us into submission. Everything about the shooter has been in the news, including his name, picture, arrest, jail, and arraignment. We see the shooter’s face on TV, his arrest on our smartphones, and his mug shot distributed throughout social media!

Even though it is horrifying, the CNN headline “Another Mass Shooting” is captivating, and liberals love a headline that makes people afraid. Why? The reason behind this is that liberals take great pleasure in interfering with your personal affairs, likely due to their lack of autonomy. An evil kind of manipulation involves playing on your fears, and a terrifying headline does just that.

The phrase mass shooting is a representation.

The shooter is aware that he or she might die during the shooting (by the police, for instance), but at that particular time, the shooter is only interested in obtaining those five minutes of fame through the shooting. The shooter is possibly thinking, “Hey, right here and right now only matter. At this moment, I am a mass shooter.” Having said that, if the phrase was dropped from the headline and there was no mention of the shooter, then the situation may be different. The shooter may believe that after death, there are no consequences, and thus, only this moment in real-time is of importance.

Educate gun safety.

The topic of gun safety and the possibility of introducing a gun safety course for high school students have been discussed with several law enforcement officers, and I have had conversations with them. All agree that many young adults today do not have respect for firearms, and therefore, many are not familiar with the consequences of discharging the weapon. A curriculum that is designed to show the consequences (damage) that can occur when a firearm is used carelessly should, in my opinion, be established as a shock-and-awe firearms curriculum.

Bring back the rifle clubs.

Multiple sources, including the city’s Department of Education, have reported that numerous public high schools in the city had shooting clubs, with some even having on-site gun ranges. Even in schools without access to shooting ranges, shooting clubs were quite popular.

Driver education vs. firearm education.

In the years before my own, in the 1960s, high school students had the opportunity to participate in driver education programs, during which they were taught the fundamentals of vehicle operation. The students were also shown videos of actual car accidents, which depicted the destruction and death that occurred during the collisions caused by careless driving. In the case of firearms, why is it that we are incapable of doing the same thing? Because it is simpler to point the finger at the firearm than it is to suggest solutions that are practical in real life, as was mentioned above.

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